Thursday, 23 June 2011

Dan Auluk: Arriving at Folkestone

Thursday 23rd June 2011

Train delays from Birmingham New Street to Euston. A frantic group run to catch the connecting train from St Panacras International to Folkestone Central with 30 seconds to spare!

Arrive at Folkestone Central and the train station looks deserted yet calming. I jest to Shaheen that perhaps she should do her Hop Skotch here to draw in audiences.

A 15 minute walk takes us to Langhorne Garden Hotel - sounds of the sea are close by.

 Time to shower! - Nice shower better than the one at home can't complain!

Went to Uni to set up the group show reel that will be played throughout the Folkestone Triennial Fringe.

Off to the artist talk tonight at the Quarterhouse at 6pm

1 comment:

  1. Really great to see the fantastic interventions that took place over the opening weekend of the Folkestone lovely to see you all back in town again.
